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Flanders Investment & Trade is a new network partner of the Logistics Hall of Fame

Flanders Investment & Trade supports the Logistics Hall of Fame. The official government agency headquartered in Brussels signed a network partnership.

„With Erich Staake being elected to the international Hall of Fame of Logistics in 2019 – and being honorary consul of Belgium for many years now –, we are delighted to support the aim of the Logistics Hall of Fame to raise public awareness for the performance capability and innovative drive of logistics, and to emphasize in this way the importance of the Antwerp-Duisburg axis as one of the central logistics corridors in Europe. "Best kept secret" for shipping in Europe is a label the region of Flanders and the Port of Duisburg share,“, says Claire Tillekaerts, CEO of Flanders Investment & Trade.

Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) was founded by the Flemish government in 2005 in Brussels. The FIT agency helps Flemish companies expand their business abroad and assists foreign companies in finding Flemish suppliers of quality goods and services. 

As an official government agency Flanders Investment & Trade offers tailored advice and guidance to businesses looking for a strategic location for new projects, in any shape or form. Flanders offers a unique blend of advantages and opportunities, especially in transport and logistics.

Logistics companies from around the globe find a home in Antwerp, one of Flanders’ leading cities. In fact, nearly each of the world’s top 10 logistics players operates a base in the city. This is in no small part thanks to Antwerp's international seaport, the 2nd-largest of its kind in Europe. In addition, Flanders boasts one of the tightest logistics infrastructures and ecosystems worldwide.



  • 24/7 GmbH
  • AEB
  • Baumann Paletten
  • Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr
  • Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung
  • Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik
  • Bundesverband Spedition und Logistik e. V. (DSLV)
  • Bundesvereinigung Logistik
  • Deutsches Verkehrsforum
  • Duisburger Hafen AG
  • European Logistics Association (ELA)
  • European Pallet Association e.V. (EPAL)
  • Exotec
  • Fritz Institute
  • GARBE Industrial Real Estate
  • Gebrüder Weiss
  • German Association of the Automotive Industry
  • German Parcel and Express Association (BPEX)
  • Goldbeck
  • Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln AG
  • HIAB
  • impact media projects
  • International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
  • International Road Transport Union
  • Interroll Group
  • Krone
  • Lebensmittel Zeitung
  • LIP Invest
  • Locus Robotics
  • LOGISTIK-Kurier
  • LTG Landauer Transport- gesellschaft Doll
  • materialfluss
  • pfenning group
  • PSI Logistics
  • RIO - The Logistics Flow
  • Schnellecke Logistics
  • Seifert Logistics Group (SLG)
  • Setlog
  • SSI Schäfer
  • STILL (Donor)
  • TGW Logistics Group
  • trans aktuell
  • Wiltsche Fördersysteme
  • Winner Spedition